Everyone takes turns in the circle sharing a value of theirs they lived up to that day, and a value that they didn’t, along with brief stories about what happened.

Value I managed to live up to:

Value I didn't live up to:

Over dinner. Serve food and eat in silence. Instruct diners to taste their food and also to look back on how they were, and were not, able to act in accordance with their values today. Everyone takes turns around the table sharing a value they lived up to that day, and a value that they didn’t, along with brief stories about what happened. We discuss how we are trying to be as we live each day, where we succeed and where we fail. We call these ways of being our values, and we practice recognizing our own values and those of the people around us.

At work. This activity is a good way to start Dope Meetings, and as a team checkin at the end of the day for Resilient Work.

Advanced version. Use Emotions to Values to render emotions that you're currently having, live, into suppressed or expressed values, and share with the group.
