The 20-Point Method (or 10-Pair Method) begins by meditating with the body rather than the mind. Mastering this first step of the seven-step Forall Method takes a lot of time and effort. It's perfectly normal to find this challenging.

This guide was made by Nathan Vanderpool after attending an online meditation retreat led by Willow's teacher, Seishin, who graciously allowed the following video to be published.

An introduction to the 20-Point Method (aka the 10-Pair Method) [14:33]

Click here to continue → 🧘 Align the Posture & Align the Breath


🏯 The 20-Point Method

Align the Posture & Align the Breath

Purify the Mind

Rouse Heroic Motivations

Q&A - February 12th, 2021