This guide was made by Nathan Vanderpool after attending an online meditation retreat led by Willow's teacher, Seishin, who graciously allowed the following video to be published.

Guided Meditation: Counter Hindrances with Heroic Motivations . [25:17 ]

Overview of Pairs 6-10, Part 2: Rouse Heroic Motivations

Practice the Heroic Motivations on their own, or connect them to the Breath and Posture. Experiment with bringing images and/or phrases to mind. The phrases listed below are only examples. Find what deeply resonates with you. It can also change over time.

6. Rouse Great Renunciation (to Purify Want → using Elevated Spine, Whole Body Breath)

Experiment with your own images and/or phrases. The following are only examples:

There is nothing that I need right now that isn't right here.

I have everything with me in this moment.

I let go of everything that isn't this right now. It is not needed.

I am here to learn to let go.

7. Rouse Great Compassion (to Purify Aversion → using Open Chest, Playful Breath)

Experiment with your own images and/or phrases. The following are only examples:

I'm doing this for the benefit of all beings.

I'm doing this out of love for all of those in my life, and in the world.

May all beings be happy, may all beings be safe.

May I be filled with loving-kindness.

8. Rouse Great Energy (to Purify Stupor → using Centered Posture, Centered Breath)

Experiment with your own images and/or phrases. The following are only examples:


Come on, let's do this!

This is it!

Let's go!

9. Rouse Great Faith (to Purify Agitation → using Rooted Tailbone, Energetic Breath)

Experiment with your own images and/or phrases. The following are only examples:

If the teachers and masters that came before could do this, then it's possible.

I know that if I keep going with this, it will take me somewhere.

I know that this is a path that I want to be on, and I will keep walking it.

I know that this practice matters.

10. Rouse Great Doubt (to Purify (Shallow) Doubt → using Stable Base, Calm Breath)

Experiment with your own images and/or phrases. The following are only examples:

How can I live a good life?

What is it? How do I do it?

Is this it? I have to know.

I have to keep going. I have to find out.


Click here to continue → 🙋 Q&A - February 12th, 2021


The 20-Point (or 10-Pair) Method

Align the Posture & Align the Breath

Purify the Mind

🦸 Rouse Heroic Motivations

Q&A - February 12th, 2021