
I. Personal Challenges

  1. Tuning into Your Deepest Curiosity
  2. Self-Doubt and Confidence
  3. Balancing Idealism and Practicality
  4. Sustaining Motivation

II. Social Challenges

  1. Finding Mentors and Reality Checks
  2. Rejecting External Influence
  3. Finding Like-Minded Peers

III. Structural Challenges

  1. Most Fields are Garbage

    In many fields of endeavor, it’s hard to focus on what really matters. We struggle to sort it out for ourselves: What is a deep, potent investigation, and what is ultimately superfluous, a misguided distraction? Plus, most fields have strayed from their essential questions and investigations. That makes this sorting harder and more solitary. We need to ask: what in my field is the seed of something beautiful and true? What is worth my devotion, and honorable and meaningful? What sliver, within current practice, deserves to be rescued? And how do we cut out all of the other crap?

    It’s hard to look clearly. It takes discipline to make a shrewd analysis of what is actually meaningful in any field — of what's really worthy of a human life. To look soberly. To do the sorting.

    It can be anti-social. You’re likely to admit (at least to yourself) that many of your peers/professors/etc have strayed far from what’s important.

  2. Navigating Institutions

  3. Lack of Societal Support for Unconventional Paths

  4. Financial Struggles

<aside> 🚧 NOTE

The following is an incomplete list. It can be extended (and should be) just by asking our turtles - what were hard moments in your turtle path?
