Most organizations should not be turtleocracies. It depends on what your organization wants to do, and whether it's never been done before.

  1. When you must do things well, in the standard way, you need 🦜 experts. You can put them together into an 🦜 expert bureaucracy, a consultancy, etc.
  2. When most things can go poorly, but you hope some things work out, you can use 🐇 people with ideas and energy without needing turtles. You can put them together into a 🐇 do-ocracy or startup ecosystem.
  3. But, when you must do things well, in a way that's never been done before, you need 🐢 "takeless" people, without strong ideas, who will slowly experiment over years. You can put them together into a Turtleocracy.

Unlike these other forms, a turtleocracy is for projects where neither experts, nor the population in general, can be counted on to know how to do the project, and yet it must be done, and done well.

Boom! a diagram

Boom! a diagram

If your organization, needs to do things that have never been done before, for which there are no experts, then you need a Turtleocracy. Many topics will need long-term experimentation and discernment; Such topics needs to be identified and resourced. Ideally with one person who's learning the lessons over the long haul.

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