Social Design Club/Cooperative

OLD: What Are We?

→ a matchmaking structure to build social design teams, where people make up for one another's inadequacies (read more)

→ a discord server where we critique social designs (check it out)

→ an event to show off your social design skills ("Beat the Experts") (read more)


To do social designs well means anticipating many kinds of problems and imagining many kinds of alternatives. Almost no one can do it all. So we build teams. Want to be part of one?

<aside> 👉 Next event is January 27, 2021.

Go to ‣.


Recent Sessions & Guests

Past Sessions

Future Sessions

Beat the Experts

Each week a social design is presented in front of experts in game design, social network design, org design, or mechanism design. The experts spend 10 minutes in silence, writing out critiques and suggestions.

So does everyone in the audience. The best audience ideas get upvoted and presented along with the experts' ideas. Can audience members BEAT THE EXPERTS, by thinking of better improvements and critiques?

20m Presentation + Q&A 10m Quiet brainstorming & critique collection 10m Critique Upvoting 20m Expert and Upvoted Critiques Presented 10m Wrap up

<aside> 👉 Social designs are systems made by giving people codified roles, responsibilities, or a limited vocabulary of expression—they range from dinner table conversation games to social networks and global governance structures. (see below)


Join us on zoom

Welcome! You are invited to join a meeting: Social Design Club. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email about joining the meeting.

Example Critique

Examples of Social Designs

Power Tools