<aside> 👉 There's more helpful material about this in the texbook, under Writing Out a Value (Old Version)


  1. Make sure it's really a value of yours.
  2. Write clearly and inspiringly.

Make Sure it's Really a Value

What we mean by value, is a way you find it meaningful to be. A way you find it meaningful to treat people, approach things, act, appreciate, what you find it meaningful to notice, etc.

It's always active, and always about how you can be.

You should understand the difference values vs goals, feelings, experiences, and internalized norm.

Other Clues:

Write it clearly and inspiringly

Write your values on meeting supplies by thinking about three things.

If you phrase your value correctly, people who don't have that value yet might see the wisdom in your value when they read it. They will think to themselves "I should try being that way!".