Goal: you can conceive of answering the question and then you are all good.
- Types of questions
- Fields of interest / what do you want to look at?
Turtle questions need an edge, something that takes from "how you normally think about a thing" to open an area of inquiry that is other than the whole field.
- How can we support each other to live meaningful lives?
- What do we need to know to design values-aligned systems?
- How do you organize human wisdom into a helpful, rich and living map? Anne Serge Eli
- What media help us become wise (explore and express our values)?
****Anne Serge Rory Joe TimK Eli Conor Sari
- Large-scale aggregative systems. What systems aggregate demand for wisdom and redesign? Joe Caro Serge Tristan Sari
- Transformative individuals. Who do we need to become, to act as midwives for systems that support human values and meaningful living?
- What kind of environments are fertile places for our work?
- How do we build connections to other utopian communities and movements, to exchange learnings and support each other in our work?