<aside> 🐢 Each week, pick a peer to review your work. It should be someone who would be good at asking these questions with you and thinking about the answers. Your peer could be different from week to week but make sure that you have a meeting each week. Output of the meeting should be at minimum a list of red greens and yellows and resourcing / testing next steps.
Joe 2+2
Nathan 2+1
Anne 2+1
Serge 2+1
Sara 3+2
Situational Awareness — what's well tested, what's new, what's going wrong?
Resourcing — what's needed
If your only goal was to get all of this to green, well tested, but not to ship anything, or get anything done, or get through anything, how’d you do it differently?
What experiments do you want to run, and do you have everything you need?
Dream teams
Turtles should help those adjacent to them find their dream team (the best people in the world to help with their question)
Best experts and subturtles in the world - finding your dream teams and getting in touch
Find Dream Team & Dream Communities
Reflection time
What curious about
How are you doing psychologically? Are you staying experimental and turtle-y?
Is a question no longer something your are lastingly curious about, and which you feel like pursuing day to day?
<aside> ☝ Consider asking: Do you feel like you have lasting curiosity? For the whole thing? For which subquestions? How does it compare to other things you could spend your one precious life on? Why is it so relevant to you? What are hesitations about doing this for the long term?