Human Systems provides education for entrepreneurs with product/service ecosystems conducive to users living meaningful lives and living by their values. There's a special forcus on social network design and metrics. There's also an accelerator for values-based companies, and an analytics infrastructure for monitoring user outcomes related to values and meaning. Our school has trained 300+ well-positioned systems designers. Our alumni have used what they've learned to redesign large-scale systems at Facebook, Github and Apple; we've changed the direction of several startups, and also seen redesigns of small scale systems like schools, co-living settlements, and families. Our textbook is available for free online.

More Blurbs: Meaning Insurance

Life Meaning Insurance. A flat monthly fee and we cover what you need for life meaning, powered by Time Well Spent metrics.

The Human Systems moonshot is to eventually provide "life meaning insurance"—where people pay a monthly fee, and if they need to be relocated, find new communities, new work, etc, for their life meaning... we help them out. To get there, we're building stepping-stone products: (a) a research network about what communities, workplaces, service ecosystems, etc are conducive to people's life meetings / help them live by their values, and (b) education for entrepreneurs in these areas, especially re social network design and metrics, and (c) an accelerator for service ecosystems which support life meaning and monitor it. We have fundraising docs and a lot of information about our research network and our education initiative and materials (textbook).

HS and COVID-19

Human Systems is a research network for innovation in human systems (organizational policies, political institutions, economic mechanisms, social technologies, group practices, etc). We look for new human systems which better support participants' agency and life meanings.

During COVID-19, we are mapping the social innovations now emerging. We are gathering new social formats which—even after the crisis—can be used to build a more sustainable and meaning-oriented society. As part of this work, we are finding the most innovative fb/telegram/slack groups sprouting up and running surveys in those communities. We will highlight innovations which drive meaning and agency, and spread them. We are mapping innovations in these areas: First: local volunteer & workforce coordination; Next: scientific collaboration, trustworthy media, online spirituality & play, and talent discovery; Finally: workplaces, social & entertainment venues, and housing communities.

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Research Network for Innovation in Human Systems

Our Mission

Our civilization is facing many simultaneous crises: crises in ecosystems, meaningful work and lives, global economics, media, and political legitimacy. A common cause is that systems have been designed around affluence and engagement, rather than life meaning. Current systems—despite their successes measured in dollars, clicks, views, or votes—fail to support the values and meanings of their participants. New local and global systems are needed to navigate these crises. Systems that work together to support 11 billion people with meaningful lives at zero carbon. New forms of architecture, politics, economics, land ownership, agriculture, etc. A brand new Social Stack. Human Systems exists to help redesign social systems around meaning.