This is an experimental, self-directed version of our course. I’ll consider it a success if 10% of those who try, manage to complete it. Most won’t succeed, because this version of the course puts a heavy organizational burden on the learner—to find practice buddies to do the exercises with, to arrange times, to go deep in various practices and worksheets, all by yourself, with only minimal interactions with experts to confirm you’re on the right course.
You’re more likely to succeed if
Before you decide to take the course, you’ll watch this 80m video overview. While watching, it’s important to take notes! Pause the video, and write down where you’d apply or practice the techniques that are mentioned, and which you’re most excited about or seem highest leverage for you.
1 hour
We'll only proceed if you really feel you can apply the stuff in the video, and if you are excited to work in that direction. Here are two questions to think about:
If you want to proceed, gather your notes from the video and book 20 minutes here, and we'll talk through a plan:
After that call, I’ll put you in a discord, where you can get asynchronous feedback on your work, organize virtual meetups with other learners, and sign up for assessments when you’re ready.
You’ll also have access to the textbook, but beware that it’s mostly designed for the paid, fully-supported version. So you’ll see things that don’t fit your situation.