Sit in a circle and take turns suggesting one person—either by name (“Oprah”) or by naming their role (“The CEO of Blackrock Security”) or skill (“A Leading Heart Surgeon”)—who, if they were on board with your project would make it almost certainly successful. This person would make either the production or the spread or the quality or the funding of your project a slam dunk. Whoever can name the person who would help the most wins.

After naming a person who would make such a big difference, name a simple first step towards letting them know about the project or connecting with them.

Now do the same, but with communities instead of people, and focus not on the communities that would be the most helpful for the project, but those whose involvement would be the most meaningful, given the values at the center of the flower diagram you’ve already settled on.

With each such community, see if anyone knows a person who’s in the community which could serve as an ambassador between the community and the project.