How do we play the game? What are the instructions?

Sit in a circle. Get n-1 pieces of paper. Put a X on about half, an O on the other half.

Each round, one player seeks sincere advice. All other players draw one piece of paper. Those with a X are bullshitters, those with an O are sincere advice givers. Bullshitters gives bullshit life advice, trying to pass as sincere advice givers, sincere advice givers give sincere advice.

When all players are ready, one by one, advice givers deliver their advice in the form of an aphorism, a short sentence that is kind of vague.

As they go around, the advice asker writes down who they think is a bullshitter and who is sincere. They reveal their assessment at the end of the round. Bullshitters score a point when the asker assesses them as sincere. You can only pick as many people as bullshitters as the numbers indicate there are.

Are there variations we could try?

Play around with scoring: does everyone lose a point when marked bullshitter and everyone win one when scored as sincere.

What is the story of this game? What seed did it spring from? What difficult-to-do-thing is at its core? What do you want to explore with this game?

Skype chat about the spiritual marketplace and how those who sell workshops/books aren't those who are most helpful. What'd that look like if you could discover which sentences come from marketing vs life experience.

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What is the game already good at? / What does not yet work, what is it not yet good at?

It's really funny. Draws attention to how almost anything can sound like good advice. It is easy to sound authoritative.

Feedback form / indirect questions to get at the same stuff through funner questions?

Someone might want to riff off this. What would be worth exploring more in this game?

Is there something specific we can attend to while we play to discover something new about ourselves or the world?

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