
On your own, take 15 minutes to think of what your alternative life paths - everything else that you will not be doing/becoming/investing in/exploring/living while you are part of this project.

If it helps, ask yourself:

When you are done, come together in a circle. One by one, tell the group what you are leaving behind for now. Share your doubts and conflicts.

The rest of the group argues for your alternative life paths. If you want to proceed with this project, submit your alt life paths to the vault. You’ll retrieve them when this project is no longer the most important expression of who you want to grow into or when this project is done.

Once your alt life paths are in the vault, the rest of the group welcomes you - maybe with a hug, or with a nod or with a stiff drink.

Before starting work each day, contemplate your alt life paths in the vault and [find a small ritual to recommit to your decision]. (see “Put your alt life paths to R.I.P.)

Once the project is done, hand your life paths back to each other. :)

Each Day

On your own, take five minutes for this:

Contemplate the alt life paths you put into the vault.

Are there alt life paths you want to add?

Are you doing the right thing?

If yes: cool! Light a candle in front of it(Candle).

If no: talk to your team.*